Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ryder was having so much fun with Gramie little did he know his whole world was going to change, He got this cute little shirt that says I'm the BIG Brother, what does that mean?

With Gramie and Aunt Britt, Aunt Brianna and Josh, Grampa choo choo, Lola Gloria, that is Grandma in the phillipines,and especially lucky Aunt Stacie, that brought me into the world,what a wonderful experience, We were so happy, I thought of MoM all day and cried, because I knew she was right their with us. love to all we have such a wonderful family. Great Job Lori and Kyle you make beautiful babies.

Here she is Little Henessi Sequoia Hansen 8 lbs 21 inches she is so beautiful, welcome little-one we love you and are so happy to have you in our family.